COLOR GLAVOC gentle & durable
This product changes color in the sea. When immersed into the sea color became more vivid, but still gentle. Special cloth has an effect of fish skin. Very popular on Mediterranean especially in day fishing on big depths. Cloth is extremely durable.
softly colors
rough linen
luminous body
excellent balance
strong hooks
DTD Color Glavoc #1.5 / #2.0 / #2.5
- Κατασκευαστής: DTD
- Κωδικός Προϊόντος: DT10632/3/4
- Διαθεσιμότητα: 8
Διαθέσιμες Επιλογές
Σχετικά Προϊόντα
DTD Full Color Glavoc #1.5 / #2.0 / #2.5
FULL COLOR GLAVOC vivid & durablevivid colorsrough linenstrong hooksexcellent balanceluminous bo..
DTD Arbun #1.5 #2.0 #2.5
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DTD Ballistic White Killer #3.0B
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DTD Full Flash Glavoc #1.5 / #2.0 / #2.5
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DTD Hybrid Kanjac #1.5 #2.0 #2.5
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DTD Kanjac #1.5 / #2.0 / #2.5
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DTD Panic Fish Bukva #2.5
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DTD Pauk Ranj #1.5 #2.0 #2.5
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DTD Pirka #1.5 #2.0 #2.5
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DTD Premium Bukva #1.5 #2.0 #2.5
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DTD Premium Gira #1.5 #2.0 #2.5
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DTD Premium Pirka #1.5 #2.0 #2.5
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DTD Profi Bukva #1.5 #2.0 #2.5
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DTD Real Fish Bukva #1.5 #2.0 #2.5
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DTD Red Killer Bukva #1.5 / #2.0 / #2.5
RED KILLERred glowing wonderRED KILLER is new squid jig for catching squids from boat, similar as W..
DTD Smeda Gira #1.5 #2.0 #2.5
SMEDA GIRA brown pickarelstrong hooksgreat balanceluminous balance..
DTD Retro Bukva #1.5 #2.0 #2.5
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DTD Trlja #1.5 #2.0 #2.5
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DTD White Killer Bukva #1.5 #2.0 #2.5
WHITE KILLER glowing wonderIt is white and it is deadly for squids. Just presented on EFTTEX in Ams..
DTD Wounded Fish Bukva #1.5 / #2.0 / #2.5
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Oceanic Team Diablo Γουρουνάκι #2.5
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Oceanic Team Egido Toto
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Yozuri Crystal Ultra Aurora 95mm S – A1521
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Yozuri Crystal Ultra Cloth 95mm S – A1520
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Yozuri Squid Jig Ultra Bait Cloth 65mm SSS – A1680
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Yozuri Squid Jig Ultra Bait Cloth 95mm S – A1682
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Yozuri Squid Jig Ultra Cloth 65mm SS – A327
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Yozuri Squid Jig Ultra Cloth 75mm S – A329
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DTD Weak Fish Bukva #1.5 / #2.0 / #2.5
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Ετικέτες: Eging, Γουρουνάκι, Καλαμαριέρες